Monday, June 11, 2018

Want to Go Gluten Free...It Can Be Easier (Updated)

I remember drastically reducing my gluten in-take in 2009 by reducing intake of foods with gluten by switching to spelt flour to then go completely gluten-free in 2012. I can say it was one of the best top ten decisions of my life. Removing gluten eliminated the migraines. Finding out what inflames your body is paramount. Feeling bad is not normal and should not be accepted. Taking pain relievers every day is not a way to live.

 It has been a wild ride, and fun at times with experimenting with recipes seeing what works and what does not. I realize for many that they would not include the adjective fun in the topic of going gluten-free. What I'd like to do in this post is to break down the process a bit so if you're the person reading this who knows they need to bite the bullet, then this is for you.

Everyone has a problem with emmer wheat. That's the wheat used in almost everything today. It's biologically not made for our digestive systems. The protein is off the charts high due to mass hybridization. It should be avoided. It is way too inflammatory. It is affecting you. If it is not portrayed physically, then the inflammation usually manifests emotionally before eventually turning into a physical result. Read more about it in the book Wheat Belly authored by Dr. William Davis. Our emotions are tied to our gut, and when our gut health is poor, that bumps into our other body systems, especially our endocrine system, which is all about the hormones. Everyone has a different sized "people cup", and whatever and whenever it becomes full, it will pour out. If good things went in, then good things will overflow, and vice versa.

According to Dr. Kelley Reis, from The Natural Medicine Center of Raleigh, everyone with autoimmune disorders should be 100% gluten-free. Our immunity is tied directly to our gut health. When our immunity is compromised, so is our gut. For those who do not have an autoimmune disorder, you might consider einkorn wheat. It is much less processed, considered ancient wheat with a much healthier profile.

Five Things To Know About Going Gluten-Free (It Can Be Easier)

1) Know that this change is bigger than not eating gluten. If you just make it about foods with gluten, then you will inevitably fail. Make it a conscious decision and be adamant about an attitude of wellness. Begin by inviting the Lord Yeshua into the process. (If you do not believe in God or Yeshua, then you may choose to ignore this step.) Do not do this on your own strength and do not be deceived that this is too small for God. He is thrilled that you are interested in taking better care of yourself. Your health is a gift entrusted to you by Him. Pray each day asking for the Holy Spirit to guide your steps. Keep your mind and heart open to receive His instruction.

2) Restrain from replacing everything you ate with gluten with a gluten-free product. I know that is instinct, but understand many of those products are not any healthier than their gluten counterparts. Be creative and focus on fresh veggies and fruits for snacks. Whole foods are the best choice for nutrient density. Lettuce wraps are awesome! Remember again, you made this decision to live healthier.  Doing things differently is a positive thing! The less boxed and canned foods we consume, the better. It might sound common sense, but it really is a change in lifestyle. Fortunately, options and choices are much healthier, especially with the Paleo and grain-free options. If you are like, well then what do I eat? Go through my recipes on this blog. They are all gluten-free and super duper healthy!!!

3) Learn to love whole, gluten-free whole grains and pseudo-grains. Although we go grain free a lot of the time, we also really enjoy quinoa, sprouted or soaked brown rice, black rice, certified gluten-free oats, buckwheat, and millet. Soaking these overnight will aid the body in digesting them better. Place them in a glass dish, cover them with filtered water, and add a healthy splash of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and soak overnight. Feel free to give them a strain and quick rinse, then cook as usual. A wonderful resource to learn about how to safely, and properly prepare foods for the best digestion is in the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.

4) Do not get too cosy with corn or soy. Gluten-free is not just about removing gluten. The focus should be on removing articles in the diet causing inflammation. While these foods are gluten-free unless certified organic they are almost guaranteed to be genetically modified, are both extremely harsh on the digestive tract, and most soy is processed in which causing hormone disruption. Your digestive system directly affects your immune system. Keep in mind certain foods can cause similar inflammatory reactions in the body as foods with gluten even though they are gluten-free. They are called cross-reactive foods. For a lot of people corn, oats, and quinoa can fall into this category. Listen to your body. If you eat corn, make sure it is organic and sprouted. The sprouting will support the digestion. If you eat soy, choose organic fermented soy like natto or tempeh. Fermented soy does not compromise hormone health and is typically real, whole foods offering a lot of nutrition. You can learn more about how soy can endanger our health in The Whole Soy Story by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel.

5) Get familiar with reading labels. When we need to examine premade products, always for the words wheat, barley, and rye first. After that, it can get kind of tricky. I'll go through a more in-depth blog post on how to be a gluten detective next week.  I am aware that it might sound cliche, however, keep in mind that most of the foods on the outer realm of the grocery stores do not contain gluten naturally, this includes most meats (stay away from already marinaded meat), eggs, dairy, fruit, and vegetables. Respectfully, these are your healthiest choices (sans the processed dairy and grocery store eggs). Your health is the reason for going gluten-free in the first place, no one does this as a hobby. You are worth it.

Gluten & Allergen Free Wellness Event

Are you new to the gluten-free lifestyle? Would you like to learn even more? Do you live in the Raleigh, NC area? Would you like to win tickets? You'll get the opportunity to be exposed to gluten free brands and have free samples, as well as shopping opportunites. I'm giving away 2 free pairs of tickets. Tickets are normally $10 a piece. In order to be entered to win follow the instructions below.

1) Share this blog post on your personal social media pages like Facebook. Make sure the post is public so that I can see it.

2) Comment below on this blog post that you shared and where.

Are you gluten-free? What is your biggest struggle?

Helping you to be a good steward of your health,

Marie Brock, HHC

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marie, thank you for your blog and this post! My first intro to your site! I have shared this blog post on my FB page (publicly) and would love the opportunity to win free tickets to the Wellness Event in August! Either way, I'll be there!
