Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sugar: Do You Know How Much You're Eating?

Just a quick blurb about the white stuff. Sugar consumption is an epidemic in the USA. The way white sugar and artificial sweeteners alter the brain is comparable to cocaine. You can experience sugar addiction. Sugar like white table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and corn syrup all pull minerals from the body. Sugar also contains you want to eat bleach? The best way to defeat sugar addiction is adopting a whole foods based lifestyle and adding in more and more healthy food daily. This concept is referred to as crowding in by The Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

In case you didn't know, fat doesn't make you fat...sugar does! Our bodies need fat for proper cognitive function in the brain, joint health, heart health, lung health, and dental health. There are better types of fat to consume though than others. We want to focus on healthy saturated fats like organic unrefined coconut oil, real butter, nuts, and seeds. Monounsaturated fats are good as well like in olives.

Sugar isn't all bad. Sugar is measured on a scale called the glycemic index. It needs to be on the low end a majority of the time.We need to use wisdom when and how we consume it. Sugar along with fiber like in fruit is wonderful. Eat fruit though in moderation, but you get can too much fructose, which is the sugar in fruit. In other whole foods like raw honey and coconut nectar in moderation it is also fine. Choose low glycemic grains and pseudo grains like brown rice, black rice, quinoa, amaranth, and millet.

Eating mostly vegetables, especially greens, lots of raw ones for enzymes and proper digestion, some fruit, some healthy grains and pseudo grains, some healthy fat, and a little clean animal products in addition to drinking plenty of clean filtered water on a consistent basis will cure the sugar addiction.

 Check out this info graphic from Dr. Joesph Mercola. It is a chart showing how much fructose, usually genetically modified fructose from corn, is consumed by the American public.

fructose overload infographic

Discover the fructose content of common foods, beverages, sauces, and even sugar substitutes in our infographic "Fructose Overload." Use the embed code to share it on your website.
Discover the fructose content of common foods, beverages, sauces, and even sugar substitutes in our infographic "Fructose Overload."

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