Monday, May 28, 2018

Power Pesto Egg Salad

I recently created this recipe because I'm always trying to add plants to my meals, plus I already had pesto prepared in the fridge. I'm not vegan or vegetarian anymore, but plant foods are my favorite. The vitamins, minerals, and life we receive from them is an incredible gift from the Lord. He is so good to us!

So here's something you may not know about me, I love egg salad. I have this odd excitement that happens when I am about to eat it as if it is some rare delicacy. Weird, I know, like extremely, nonetheless there it is, I told on myself.

FYI, in case you are wondering the crackers are grain free from Simple Mills. I bought them at Thrive Market. Sometimes I get them from Whole Foods Markets when they go on sale.

Normally, I make my own mayonnaise, but lately, our local Costco has been out of avocado oil a very important ingredient in my homemade mayonnaise (recipe will be in my upcoming cookbook), so because I know I'm a mayonnaise head, I grabbed this at Costco to be safe. I was happy to feature it in the blog because and have wanted to for some time so you can see a healthier option for store-bought mayo. If you do keep that versatile condiment in the house, consider making your own or purchasing the Chosen Foods brand. Most brands on the market are really unhealthy with soybean or canola oils. If you are still cooking with those oils too, it's time to ditch them. Read about healthy fats to keep in your kitchen here.  Mayo gets a bad reputation for being unhealthy due to eggs and fats from the oil, but if it's made with organic eggs from free-range pastured chickens and the oil is a good choice, then it's really a winning traditional food condiment. I use mayo in so many recipes. It works wonders.

My husband and I are huge fans of pesto, especially when we make it at home. I have a few different recipes since I've made it several ways. My favorite recipe will be in my upcoming cookbook this year. Here's a pesto recipe you can try though it's a bit unorthodox. 

I'm obsessed with hard boiling eggs in my Instant Pot now! So simple...just put in 1.5 cups of water in the pot, put in the rack that comes with it, put in however many eggs you want, and put on the lid. Close the vent on top, I often forget that step. Set it on the manual setting for 5 minutes. Take out the eggs with tongs so you don't burn yourself, put them in a bowl with cool water for 5 minutes. You will have the EASIEST ever eggs to peel. Do you have an IP? I use mine almost daily, several times weekly for various foods/meals. It's so helpful for healthy, quick meals. 

These lovely eggs are from my favorite farmer, Lynn Andreas by the way! Check out Lynn's website here especially if you are in the local area. She is the only farmer in the area that I know of who uses organic soy-free feed for her chickens.

In case you are wondering that is a Pampered Chef egg slicer. It's gotten a lot of love over the years.

Always use good salt in your kitchen. What I mean by that is regular table salt, the white stuff is stripped of minerals, bleached with um bleach (yeah you are eating bleach), and is pretty much toxic to the body. I will do a more in-depth blog on salt. I cannot believe I never have. The short story is better salt choices are Himalayan, Celtic, or Real Salt. You can purchase these at Thrive Market also. I get my Himalayan salt at Costco.

Use as much mayonnaise and pesto as you like. I put amounts below, but it's really a matter of personal taste. 

Power Pesto Egg Salad Recipe


3 Hard Boiled Eggs, sliced
1/4 C Red Onions, finely diced (I did not add these because I was all out of onion, but this would've normally been a non-negotiable)
1 Large Long Rib of Organic Celery, chopped or sliced
3 Tbsp Pesto (can be store bought or homemade)
3 Tbsp Mayonnaise 
1/4-1/2 Tsp Himalayan Salt
As Much Organic Black Pepper As You Would Like


Everything goes in a bowl and gets mashed and mixed together. That's it!

This is fabulous in organic lettuce leaves for wraps!

Tell me below if you make it and love it! How else do you like to serve your egg salad?

Helping you to be a good steward of your health,

Marie Brock, HHC

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